Friday, May 29, 2009

Finger Lickin' Good

My Daddy always cuts the corn off the cob for me & my mommy, BUT I decided I needed to be a big boy and eat it right off the cob... whewwwww weeeee it is finger lickin good like that and makes just the perfect mess, too.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nap Time

We had to take a nap before we could go play in the water..but I am not sure livvie ever fell asleep but she sure was still so I could stretch out and snoooooze.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Off the Top Rope

I am mean better look out Uncle Paul I have "Tats" (tattoos) and I cut my sleeves off my shirt for this wrestling match. I can come off the top rope with a mean DDT.

Oh yes he is going down....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Not Funny Mommy!~

My mommy and I went to the Balloon factory (HEB) and I got a balloon and stickers like always.. I usually have these on my cheeks but when I feel asleep in the car, my mommy put it on my head. I took a 3 hour nap with it on there and then woke up and walked around the house..I woulda never known had my daddy not helped me out.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Thanks to my Aunt Gickers for these wonderful TwupTakes... sorry I couldnt make it to your party but this was a nice treat to send home to me...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cheesey Cheesey

Seriously Mom, lets play I am tired of taking like this and show all your teeth....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Target toy isle ..FOR SURE

Mommy " Whelp" WhElp"

Yeeeeeeppiieeee look at the toys!

Dude I am telling you stay in here it is safe.... all those toys on the floor is for sure a "Boo Boo" waiting to happen.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Do DA Potty Dance

I am right on the edge of giving in on this potty training junk .. especially after I got these cool "Mel-Mo" undies...these are so cool I decided that when the Potty Dance song came on I would wear 2 pair... so go ahead do it with me "shake your booty and do DA PoTty DAnCe"

Friday, May 15, 2009


Mommy please tell me it isn't so..Luke said we are going to the "Dooctrrr" today and getting booboo's (shots) WHAT.... this makes me scream....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Handy who?

I am now the new Handy Cooper... I have a tool belt and all. I just have to figure out a few more things about the big tools and I will be ready to build my own things. My cousin Kade gave me this great tool table and I LOVE it... looks for lots of crafts to come.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cur Cur

Is Daniel's mom taking all the "cur cur's" ?? Miss Lisa what are you doing over there?

Ok I traded the Purple for the Orange but now Livvie how do I get this lid off ??

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ice Creeeam Truck is Comin

So I hear that back in "the Day" ice cream trucks weren't as cool as this one ... it was so yummy! They played cool music and so all the Hood kids danced on the side walk....and enjoyed the Ice Cream.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Eat PaPa

I bought my mommy chocolate covered strawberries (her Favorite) for mommy's day. As you can see we called my Papa and he wanted some too, so I was sharing by laying the Baaerriieesss on my phone. Humm wonder if thinks they are good?